Tag Archives: life

Life is Like The Walking Dead

Yes, I freely and proudly admit it.  I am a Walking Dead junkie!  I am completely 100% addicted to the show and fortunately for me, there is NO CURE!  Friends turned me on to the show last year and after seeing a couple of episodes from Season 5, I was hooked.  I spent the following weekend binge watching the entire series on Netflix.  I got no sleep, drank and smoked too much, but hell – it was TOTALLY worth it. As Season 6 finished up last month and discussions and debates began about who Negan killed in that final scene, fans anxiously and impatiently await the opening scene of Season 7 to see who is laying broken and beaten at the hands of Lucille.

Since the finale aired, I have started at Season 1 again, watching and rewatching the stories of Rick, Carl, Hershel, Michonne, Glenn, Maggie, Carol and Daryl.  Every time a beloved character dies, I cry like a baby and yell at the television like it can actually hear me.  I curse Terminus, The Governor, the Wolves, and even Morgan at times hoping he will eventually “man up” and do what has to be done. Unfortunately, it always ends the same way – Hershel and Beth still die; Terminus is still a body factory; The Governor is still a sadistic prick; the Wolves still attack Alexandria; and Morgan still refuses to kill – although he did take baby steps in the last season.

After my constant binge-watching, I started to think about how the characters in this show and the zombie apocalypse they are fighting mirror life and those we choose to let in.  We all face our own zombies on a daily basis – figuratively speaking of course – and it is those people beside us that help us fight our battles.  We may not always be successful, but we fight and care for each other always because they are our family and we will fight to the bitter end to save one or all.    With that said, let me share a bit with you about my Walking Dead crew and why, when I need saving, they are always there:

My Walking Dead Crew

  • Rick – Definitely, the Rick in my crew is my dad.  Poppy was the protector in my life and while I may not have agreed with everything he did to keep me safe, I soon realized he did his best with what he knew at the time.  He taught me to fight the bullies, and everything he did or said was because he loved me and wanted to prepare me for a life without him.
  • Carol – Mom is my Carol.  When I was younger (and stupid), I saw my mom as shy and weak.  She was someone who didn’t speak up and went along with whatever everyone wanted.  But as I grew, I began to see her as the strong, incredible woman she really was.  Her entry into this world and childhood were not easy, but she became the wife that my dad loved more than life itself, and the mother of two kids who cherish and miss her every day.  She was stronger than I (or anyone) gave her credit for; she fought for what she wanted and like my dad, tried to protect me from the harsh realities of the world.
  • Maggie – Without a doubt, the Maggie in my crew is my friend Michelle.  When I first met her, we did not get along at all.  Like me, she was very protective of her heart and letting people in, so we had that in common.  But once I got to know her, I realized that the heart she protects is kind, generous and loving.  Like Maggie, she is the voice of reason when life turns to shit and chaos erupts all around me.  She has the positive spirit that is sorely lacking in the world today and is constantly reminding me that it will all work out in the end.
  • Michonne – The Michonne in my life has to be my friend Elsa.  When we were in high school, she was always the one who came to my rescue.  She fought off bullies, helped me in class, and told me to “get over myself” whenever I acted like a brat (trust me – I acted like a brat alot!)  She was always there to keep my reality in check and for that I am thankful.
  • Glenn – My friend Warren reminds me of Glenn.  A hard worker, although quiet until you get to know him, he is the first to step up and is always ready to lend a hand when needed.  I have relied on him a lot since my folks passed and he has helped me immensely whenever something needs fixing at the house.  He’s a great friend to me and I truly appreciate his kindness.
  • Tara – In my crew, my friend Debbie is my Tara.  What I like most about Tara is her ability to see the good in people no matter what they do, and that quality is abundant in Debbie’s personality.  When Tara and Glenn were in the tunnel in Season 4 while looking for Maggie, and Tara got her foot caught in the rubble, she begged Glenn to go.  She was willing to sacrifice herself for Glenn’s happiness.  Deb is a lot like that; she is genuine in her feelings and when she loves you, it is for life.  She will fight for you, guide you and hope that you learn to love the person you become.  I honestly don’t know what my life would have been like without her.
  • Carl – I think the Carl in my life is Kelsey.  Similar to the growth of Carl on the show, I have watched Kelsey grow from a sweet little girl into an even sweeter, strong, beautiful woman.  A college graduate and wife now, she is a fighter – strong-willed, smart, loving, and every time I see her, I amazed at the woman she is today.

So who am I you may ask.  This is a hard one for me, but I think in The Walking Dead of Life, I am most like Daryl.  Throughout the show, Daryl has not been quick to trust.  In the beginning he tried to survive on his own and did what he wanted at the expense of others,; however, he soon realized that the strength of others is vital to survival.  It took me a very long time to learn this lesson.


We are all confronted with our own battles on a daily basis – hate, uncertainty, heartbreak, self-esteem, depression, fear, anger….the list goes on and on.  But it is those people in our life who give us the strength we need and help us fight the demons one at a time.  I am blessed to have so many people who love and care about me and are willing to help me fight when I need it.

There are so many other people in my life that I want to mention and who will always be a part of my crew, but I have to stop here because if I keep going I won’t get any other work done today.  But before I go, let me leave you with this one thought….Take a look at the people in your own life and how they have shaped the person you are today. Who is your Rick? Michonne? Maggie?  Do you have a Hershel or Eugene or a Daryl in your life?  Please feel free to take a moment and respond with your comments.  I would love to hear from you.




Country singer Mark Willis writes of Moments…”days in the sun, moments, I was second to none…moments, when I knew I did what I thought I couldn’t do.” We have all had times like these in our lives when we made a decision or an event happened that affected us for the rest of our lives.

I’ve had many, but the one that really changed my life is when I decided to pack up my life and move up north to Boston. I was in my 30s, had never lived outside Virginia before and thought the experience would be good for me. Mom told me I needed to “sow my wild oats.” Trust me, between working two jobs to make ends meet and taking classes for my Bachelor’s Degree, the “oats” were left by the side of the road.

In any event, I was there almost two years and made the decision to come back home in October 2006. I remember the night I called my folks and asked if I could stay with them until I found a place. Well, I’ve been there 8 years now and although it took a while, I realized my “place” was with them. The time I spent away from Virginia helped me understand what I truly had in my life and when I came back home, to my friends and family; it was as if I never left. It was a great reminder of what it means to be loved.

I challenge you today to think about the Moment(s) in your life that brought you to where you are today. Feel free to comment and share your own experiences and why those moments were important to you.

